Four Ways That A Vet Clinic Can Provide Geriatric Pet Care

While a healthy, active senior pet is a joy to be around, an older dog or cat that becomes ill can be difficult to care for. As our pets get older, they may experience a variety of health problems. These include arthritis and other joint problems, dental disease and cancer. Here are four ways that a vet clinic can help pet owners care for their older pets.

1. Provide Senior Wellness Exams 

These exams take into account your pet's health status and medical history, as well as his or her lifestyle and environment. They also consider age-specific issues such as arthritis, dental disease, heart disease and kidney disease.

Other tests include blood pressure monitoring and urinalysis. The exam will help evaluate any underlying medical concerns that may be present in your senior pet's life. If they do exist, they can be addressed early on so they don't get worse over time or become chronic conditions that require more intensive treatment later on.

2. Treat Arthritis In Senior Pets

Senior pets are more likely than other age groups to suffer from arthritis. If your elderly pet has been diagnosed with arthritis, your vet may recommend medications like glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate to ease discomfort and improve mobility. They may also recommend exercise and weight control as part of a treatment plan to reduce the risk of further complications. 

3. Perform Regular Blood Work On Ageing Pets

If your elderly pet has been diagnosed with cancer, heart disease or other serious ailments, your vet may recommend blood work as part of a treatment plan. Blood tests will help determine the extent of any damage and can help you monitor the effectiveness of treatments to ensure they are working as expected.

4. Provide Geriatric Dental Care

Older pets often develop tooth problems, which can make eating difficult. As they age, their teeth will also become more prone to decay and breaking. This can be very painful for your pet, and it's important to take care of the issue as soon as possible. You can help alleviate any discomfort by brushing your elderly cat or dog's teeth regularly, but if you notice any signs of tooth decay or other issues, schedule an appointment with your vet immediately. 

If you have an ageing pet, a vet clinic can provide a range of services that will help your pet stay healthy and happy into old age. 
